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Page 9
“So what makes him the best fit for me?” Zavery questioned, sliding his chair closer to the table.
A small smile curled Ayana’s lips, as she slowly sat the egg in his hands. “Only time will give you that answer, Zavery.”
“Thanks,” Zavery replied sarcastically.
“Now I must go,” Ayana said, closing the lid to the chest and rising from the table. “I’ve done what it is I came here to do, and I should leave before one of my siblings decides I’ve meddled too much.”
“So that’s it?” I asked confused. “When will our eggs hatch? How long will it take them to grow?”
“You’re no fool, Sno,” Ayana said looking back at me as she opened the door. “I suggest you each go your own way on the island tonight and do what brings you peace.”
Outside of Itheus’ cabin, we each went our own way. I looked for the tallest tree, with the intent of perching myself as high up as it would allow.
Once I reached the base of the tree, I placed the egg in my bag, not wanting to drop it as I climbed.
“Aren’t you coming?” I asked, looking to Kegan.
“This is something you need to do on your own,” he answered quickly. “And there’s somewhere I need to go.”
“Where?” I questioned, not liking the distant tone of his voice.
“Don’t worry about it,” he responded.
“Seriously?” I shot back.
“You need to take care of that,” Kegan said pointing at my bag. “I have something I have to take care of.”
Before I could answer, Kegan was gone. “Goodbye to you too,” I shouted, even though I knew he was long gone.
Climbing above the canopy of the other trees, I chose a sturdy branch and pulled the egg from my bag, placing it between my intertwined legs, and leaned back against the tree before I began to clear my mind.
My hands fell to the egg, as it began to grow warmer. Excitement rushed through my body, and I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm my nerves. It can’t be that easy, I said to myself.”Oh, but it can,” a voice responded.”Eris?” I questioned, opening my eyes and peering down at the egg.
“Yes, my dear Sno.” she responded.”I thought the process for dragon eggs could take years?” I questioned.”It can.” Eris responded. ”It all depends on how long it takes the dragon to become acquainted with their rider.””Alright,” I said. “What do you want to know? How can I help?”
Eris chuckled, “My dear child, I was alongside Ayana when she chose you, and from that moment I have followed you, knowing that one day our paths would cross.””Huh?” I responded.”Hmmm?” Eris said questioning me.”Nothing,” I said. ”I just wish that half of those who watched me over the course of my life would have let their presence be known. Maybe then I wouldn’t have felt so lonely.””But you were not alone,” Eris corrected me. ”You have had Kegan since you were a child.”
My heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name. This transition was not going to be easy. Dragons and Guardians were vastly different creatures, with an opposing set of outlooks and values. ”Yes,” I agreed with her. “I know that, and I’m grateful for that. I just can’t help but wonder how different my life would be if my…” I stopped, unable to finish my sentence.”If your parents were still alive.” Eris said, finishing it for me.”Yeah,” I replied.”Everything in life happens for a reason,” Eris said, repeating a phrase I’ve heard more times in my life than I could ever count. ”If your parents were still alive, there is a really good chance that you would not be the savior the realms are in need of.”
I bit my tongue, keeping my thoughts to myself. There was so much I could say, so much I’ve confided in Kegan about. However, no matter how many times I had a breakdown and said it aloud, I ended up feeling guilty, because I knew if it wasn’t me, it would have been someone else, and I wouldn’t wish my life upon my worst enemy.
Eris’ egg began to vibrate and crack. ”This is normal, right?””Indeed,” she replied shaking the broken pieces of her egg from her back as she stretched her wings.
I was speechless as my eyes took in the amazing creature that stood on my chest. ”I’ve never seen a dragon so small,” I thought to reach out to Eris.”You’ve joined an elite few, Sno. Only riders see their dragons hatch,” Eris responded.
“Bliss,” I thought. ”This is bliss. I have a dragon which is the size of a small cat, laying on my chest right now. The only thing that would make it better is if Kegan were here to see it.””He’ll come around,” Eris whispered before she yawned causing a puff of smoke to escape her mouth.”I’m sure he will. Kegan has a lot going on right now, he just lost his brother…and he’s a creature of habit, who retaliates against change.” I replied back as I waved the smoke away from us. “Whoa,” I said, instantly pulling my hand back from the cloud. “That’s cold.”
Eris chuckled. ”There is much about me that you need to learn. Let the first be that I do not breathe fire, I breathe ice.”
I shook my head in disbelief; I had never heard of a dragon who breathed ice. ”How am I going to learn everything before we set out to find Illian?””We will sleep,” Eris answered. ”And while we sleep our minds will become one. My thoughts will be your thoughts, my memories your memories, and my power your power.”
“Sno,” Kegan called from the base of the tree.
“Yeah,” I yelled back, forcing my eyes open.
“Everyone’s waiting on you,” he answered.
“Right,” I mumbled. “I’ll be down in a sec,” I said looking down at my chest, and panic set in. ‘Eris,’ I called out to her.
‘I am here,’ she replied calmly, as the wind began to whip around me before she became visible as she dropped from the clouds.
I stood, climbing the last few branches to the top of the tree. ‘You’ve grown,’ I exclaimed, stating the obvious as I was looking at the fully-grown dragon hovering the sky in front of me.”Hop on,” Eris said lowering herself between the trees so I could land on her back.”They are waiting for you!” Kegan called out.”I will take her to them,” Eris responded, before launching us straight into the clouds.”Where are we going?” I asked clinging onto her neck to keep from falling off.
“Taking you to the others,” Eris responded. ”I thought you’d like to see the sunrise this morning. It is beautiful,” she said leveling herself off above the clouds.
I gasped; beautiful was an insult. This sunrise was spectacular. The red, orange, and magenta hues set off from the ocean's darkness.”I knew you would like it,” Eris said before she started the descent back to the island.”You were right,” I replied, tightening my grip as we began to pick up speed.
Eris landed beside Alec and Hayes. “Where are Illiah and Zavery?”
“Inside where you should be,” Kegan said walking up to us, offering his hand to me as I slid off Eris’ back.
“She wanted to show me the sunrise,” I said taking his hand.
Kegan nodded, glaring at Eris as we walked past her.
“Did you do what you needed to last night?” I asked, trying to change the subject.
“You could say that,” Kegan replied.
“Are you going to tell me what it was?” I questioned.
“No,” he shot back quickly.
“Why?” I questioned, stopping before we reached Itheus’ door.
“Let’s not do this right now,” Kegan said pulling on my hand.
“Oh, we’re doing it,” I shot back. “I’m not moving till you tell me what’s going on with you. I know you lost your brother, but you’re acting like you’re hiding something…and we both know how that always ends up for us both.”
“Listen,” Kegan said trying to plead with me. “Right now, my problems cannot be your problems. You need to focus on finding Illian and freeing Thanatos.”
“You’re my best friend,” I said shaking my head and pulling him closer to me. “Your problems are our problems. I am here for you, let me
be here for you.”
Before Kegan could answer me, Zavery leaned his head out of Itheus’ door. “Could you two get in here, before you give the old man a heart attack?”
I put my hand on Kegan’s chest. “This isn’t over.”
“It’s never over with you.” Kegan sighed, following me into the cabin.
“It’s about time,” Itheus said as I walked in the door.
“I tried to tell her,” Kegan said, glaring at me.
“Yes, yes,” Itheus said. “There’s no time. Sit, sit.”
“Thanks,” I said returning Kegan’s glare.
“Last night after you three left, something happened,” Itheus said as I took my seat between Illiah and Zavery. “Ayana and I were talking, as we have been doing a lot lately. She was telling me something was off with her family, how though they all want to put an end to the Queen, not all of them are willing to release Thanatos to do so. This is tearing them apart, but what’s scary about it is no one is coming forth with what side they are on, fearing retaliation from their mother, Thanatos, and Hel, their sister who is making her return to our eleven realms.”
“Hel?” I questioned, never having heard that name before.
“Yes, Hel is Thanatos’ twin sister; when the reign of the Underworld was given to Thanatos, she left,” Itheus explained.
“And now she’s coming back?” Illiah questioned. “I mean, why now? Why didn’t she come back when my father was King?”
Itheus shook his head. “It is not known…and not long after Ayana shared that with me, I was unable to reach her.”
“Why are you telling us this?” Zavery questioned, his voice again filled with frustration.
“Because I want you, all of you, to be aware. You cannot put your faith in anyone aside from the four of you,” he said pointing to Illiah, me, Zavery, and Kegan. “As well as your dragons. As of last night, they are all bound to your mission, they will follow you no matter what.”
“Great,” Zavery said. “So even the gods are against us on this; that evens the odds.”
“Why would they have given me my powers back, if they were against us?” Illiah questioned.
“I did not say they all were, simply that we don’t know which are,” Itheus answered.
“You sent for me, Itheus?” Fabien said from the doorway.
“I did,” he said standing up. “I believe it is time the five of you are on your way.”
“Five?” Fabien questioned. “I was not planning to leave.”
“However, I am afraid you must,” Itheus replied.
“Why?” he questioned, taking a step back.
“Because I’m going to use Illiah to track her father, and I’m going to use you to track yours.”
“My father?” Fabien questioned. “What does he have to do with this?”
“Your father,” Illiah said walking towards him. “Is the cause of all this.”
Fabien shook his head in disbelief.
“Your father betrayed my father, again. He stole the pendant that gave him the ability to reap souls and pass them into the underworld, and he gave it to the Queen.”
“He couldn’t do that,” Fabien shot back. “He wouldn’t do that.”
Itheus followed them outside. “He did.”
“If he did, he truly did, then what do I have to do?” Fabien asked.
“Give me your hand,” I said, holding out my own as I slid my free hand into my waistband for my dagger.
As he placed his hand in mine, I quickly sliced open the center of his palm before he could pull it away.
“What was that for?” he hissed.
“I needed your blood to find your father,” I said, pulling the map from my bag and letting Fabien's blood drip onto it.
“You could have asked,” he shot back.
“This was easier,” I answered before I looked to Illiah. “You’re next.”
She squatted down beside me, holding her hand out.
“I have a table,” Itheus suggested.
“That’s okay,” I said running the dagger across Illiah’s palm. “I prefer this. I feel as though sitting on the ground connects me to all the realms.”
“Are you sure this will work?” Illiah asked, watching her blood drip from the dagger onto my map.
“Yes,” Kegan said. “She’s good at locator spells.”
I closed my eyes and began to chant the words my father had taught me as a child. As I opened them, I watched the drops circle around the map before they both settled in the Northern Mountains.
Illiah gasped. “They’re both in the Northern Mountains?”
“Yes,” I said folding the map. “Your father is at Soliel Peak, and Quint seems to be in the Morte Caverns, or at least that would fit where Jethero was.””We must go,” Eris called out to me. “Now!”
“I’ll get saddles,” Fabien said, “And meet you guys at the beach.”
“I’ll come with you,” Zavery responded, not trusting him to go alone.
“Good idea,” Illiah said, walking back to Hayes.
The journey to Soleil went by without incident, as we each spent the time getting to know our dragons. Eris’ mind was full of knowledge, as you’d expect one’s to be who was created before the realms. So many unanswered questions, answered, and so many more inspired.
The realms were much more complex than my father believed them to be; each one of them fitting, intertwining among themselves just enough to be kept together and classified as one.
After hours of picking through each other's minds, and countless discussions, Eris let me know that land was close.”What do you think of our plan?” I asked, realizing we had not talked much about it on our flight here.”The concept is well devised,” Eris responded.”What do you mean by that?” I questioned.”Nothing in particular,” she assured me. ”Plans are plans, it is what you intend to do. However, it’s always unlikely that the plans of those around you and the plans of the fates line up.””So you are telling me that our plan is going to fail?” I said, adjusting myself in the saddle, as Kegan landed on my shoulder.”No,” Eris corrected me. ”I said that it is unlikely that your plan will line up with the fates.””Do you know something?” I questioned, instantly regretting my tone and question.”Absolutely not.” Eris snorted shaking her head.”I know,” I apologized. ”I’m nervous. This seems too easy.”
Hayes and Illiah flew in closer to us. “Is he still on the peak?”
I pulled the map from my pocket checking for changes. “Yes,” I replied. “Your father is still on the peak and Quint remains in the caverns.”
“Good,” Illiah shouted over the wind that swirled around us. “Let’s make this quick.””We’re going to have to land down the mountain, and you guys are going to have to walk up to Illian,” Eris said, eyeing the trees that encased the peak of the mountain.”Alright,” I agreed, not seeing an opening any closer.”Circle close to the top,” Kegan said, speaking to Eris for the first time. ”I’ll let you know if we have to get Sno out of here quickly.”
Eris nodded. ”Just give her a push over the edge, I’ll catch her.””Right,” Kegan said slowly, not liking the thought of pushing me off a cliff.
Once the four of us were on the ground and our dragons returned to the sky, Kegan returned to his man form.
Fabien put his hand on Illiah’s shoulder and leaned into her ear. “Something doesn’t feel right,” he whispered.
“What?” Illiah questioned loud enough for the rest of us to hear her.
“This feels like a trap,” he said, his eyes never leaving Illiah’s.
“And you are just now saying something?” she asked, annoyed.
“It is only now that I feel it,” he replied quickly.
“Well, keep your feelings to yourself,” she shot back. “We need to find my father and get the hell out of here.”
We silently snaked our way up the mountain, keeping our eyes peeled in all directions, knowing we weren’t alone.r />
When we reached the peak, Illian sat cross-legged atop a boulder overlooking the ocean from the cliff's edge.
“Father?” Illiah called out to him, but he didn’t reply. “Father?” she repeated louder, as she got closer.
“You’re not real!” Illian shouted. “Leave me alone!”
“I am real,” she assured him, reaching for his shoulder. “I’m standing right here.”
“You’re not, my Illiah is…” he started to say, before jumping to his feet as Illiah’s hand connected to his bare shoulder.
“How are you here?” he questioned, backing himself up to the edge of the boulder. “Why are you here?”
“I’m here because we need Thanatos’ ring,” Illiah said climbing onto the boulder.
His right hand fell to his left, as though he were checking to see if it was still there. “Why do you need his ring?” Illian asked confused.
“Thanatos is the only one who can stop the Queen,” Illiah said. “But he needs his powers back.”
“LIES!” Illian shouted. “He will say anything to be free.”
“We’ve not spoken with him,” Illiah said taking another step closer to her father.
Illian slowly reached his hand out towards Illiah and ran his fingers down her cheek. “Is it really you?”
Illiah grabbed his wrist, pushing the palm of his hand against her face. “You tell me.”
Illian jerked his hand away and pulled his daughter into his arms. “I thought I lost you,” he said squeezing her tight.
“You did,” Illiah replied, slowly pulling away. “The Queen had me in a vault; she was feeding off my power.”
“I know,” he replied. “I didn’t know you escaped… How did you escape?”
“You knew?” Illiah said taking a step back.
“Of course I knew, the Queen has held it over my head, taunting me, trying to barter your freedom for the ring.”
Illiah shook her head in disbelief.
“I had come here last night to give this to her,” he said holding up his hand. “I came here to get you back.”