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Page 7
For a few minutes, the room remained silent, as Illiah processed everything Evander had just told her. Illiah then wiped the tears of frustration from her cheeks and cleared her throat to speak. “So my father told you all of this?”
Evander nodded his head. “Yes.”
“What does it have to do with me?” Illiah questioned. “What does it have to do with the Queen?”
Evander took a deep breath. “Do you remember what I said Thanatos gave your father?”
“A pendant and a ring,” Illiah replied.
“Yes. Though Thanatos gave your father the pendant when he first became the head reaper, he made the magic within that necklace stronger to protect your father and his soul from the amount of magic that was in the ring. Without the pendant, the magic would tear your father apart,” Evander said, trying to stay on point. “When your father came here, he was without the pendant, and he believed it had been stolen by Quint and then given to THE QUEEN.”
“Okay,” Illiah said. “But he still had the ring, so he still has all Thanatos’ power?”
“Yes,” Evander agreed. “The ring is power, just power. The pendant held what most would call the keys to the Underworld. Not everyone with magic can pass a soul from one realm to the next. The circle in which souls cycle though requires very precise magic. Are you following me?”
“So what you’re saying is that the Queen has my father’s pendant, and she controls all the souls?” Illiah replied.
“Essentially, yes,” Evander agreed. “However that amount of power is not meant to be handled by any mortal.”
“So,” I said adding my two cents. “We kill her, and take the pendant back, and give it back to my father…”
“Well, that’s where all of this gets complicated,” Evander said. “The Queen has collected so many souls that destroying her would not only destroy the souls that she’s collected, but the explosion of power could very well destroy this realm.”
Confused, I asked, “Where does this leave us if we can’t kill her?”
“Well,” Evander said as a half-smile spread across his face. “Before Illian left, he told me there was only one option. However, now that he’s gone, I don’t know how you’ll do it.”
“What did he say our only option was?” Illiah asked.
Evander pointed at Illiah. “He said that you would have to take his ring and give it back to Thanatos.”
“Me?” Illiah repeated. “Why didn’t he just take the ring back?”
“Without the pendant that made him stronger, he can’t control the magic, and because the blood of the Keepers does not flow through his veins, there is no way he can get into the mountain, let alone the vault in which Thanatos is kept.”
“That doesn’t make sense,” Illiah said confused. “My father has been in and out of the mountain countless times.”
“He was granted access because he had collected souls of the Keepers in the pendant, and they granted him access to the mountain.” He paused. “So how are you going to do this, while being human and without magic?”
“I don’t know,” Illiah responded. “I came here as I had as a child, to ask the gods for immortality and strength…but something tells me that I’m the last person they want to see right now.”
Evander stood. “I don’t believe that is the case.”
“Really?” Illiah questioned. “After what you just said my father did, if I jump in the well, what're the chances of me coming out?”
“The chances are higher than you’d think. You are their only hope. Without you, the only person who can get into the vault Thanatos is in is the Queen.”
“Wait,” Illiah said her heart sinking. “The vaults are sealed by the blood of The Keeper who opened it, so unless my mother is…”
Evander turned from her and peered out the window, unable to look her in the face.
“Well, then I guess there are no other options,” Illiah said as she picked her bag up from the back of the chair. “It’s time I go and see the High Council.”
I sat with my feet dangling over the side of the well, as I studied my reflection.
The longer I sat staring, the less I recognized the face staring back at me. Everything I thought I knew about my mother, everything I thought I knew about my father, was a lie. Everything they told me, everything they taught me, I couldn’t trust.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Sno asked, walking up behind me.
I turned and looked past her to Zavery. “Yeah, keep him from destroying this place. I need there to be something to come back to.”
Sno smiled. “I can make you no promises, though I’ll try my best.”
“Good enough,” I replied, as I leaned over and grabbed the other side of the well with my right hand.
“You don’t have to do this,” Evander said joining Sno.
“Yeah,” I said sarcastically. “Then what?” I asked, dangling maybe an inch from the water.
“I don’t know,” Evander replied honestly.
“Well then, I’m going to stick with what we do know. I’m going to see the High Council and they’ll have no choice but to give me immortality, a way to find my father, and to get into the depths of the Dark Mountain, so I can free the one and only person who can put all of this to an end.”
Evander chuckled. “Well, if you have it all figured out, then I wish you the best of luck. We will be here for you when you return.”
“Great,” I replied as I let go of the sides and plunged into the icy water.
‘This is going to work. This has to work.’ I kept telling myself. ‘I’m the only one who can get into the mountain and release Thanatos. Without me, the fight will be brought to them.’
However, no matter how many times I repeated those words in my head and how calm I thought I was, when my lungs began to burn, panic set in.Just open your mouth, this is part of it. You have to be willing to die for what you seek… You have to prove to them that you’re willing to do whatever it takes. I reminded myself as I slowly let the last bit of air from my lungs escape and bubble up against the sides of my face.
“Illiah,” a woman’s voice echoed in the distance.
“You waited too long,” a man replied to her.
“She’s not dead, you fool, just weak,” the woman snapped back, her voice now seeming familiar.
Though I couldn’t open my eyes yet, I replied, my voice no louder than a whisper, “You’ve always doubted me, Nyx. Haven’t you?”
“Doubted, no,” Nyx laughed. “Despised is a better fit.”Maybe this won’t be as easy as I thought, I said to myself after I coughed up the remaining water from my lungs. At least now I understand why.
“So,” Nyx said walking back to her throne at the head of the high court. “What deceptive story has your father concocted this time to bring power to a powerless family?”
“Believe it or not,” I said climbing to my feet, as I wrung out my hair, “My family was never, nor is it powerless.”
Nyx laughed, the forced giggle echoing off the water walls that surrounded The High Court.
“Explain,” Enzo requested.
“Well,” I said. “If I understand the situation, and please correct me otherwise, my father and my mother are the ones who sealed Thanatos in the vault in the Dark Mountain. Now that my mother is dead and my father unable to use magic without the realm exploding, I am the only one who can release him.”
“YOU!” Nyx hissed, before disappearing from her seat and reappearing inches from my face. “How dare you come here and address MY COURT with an ultimatum?”
“I had no choice,” I replied to her, swallowing back the fear as I attempted to stand my ground.
“I should have let you drown,” Nyx said as her eyes darted back and forth studying my reaction.
“But you knew without me you would never see, Thana—”
Before I could finish his name, Nyx wrapped her fingers around my throat. “You do no
t speak his name!” she shouted, making my ears ring.
“That’s enough,” Vera demanded, appearing beside her mother.
“This matter does not concern you, Vera,” Nyx said tightening her grip.
“This matter concerns all of us,” Vera corrected her mother.
Nyx spoke through gritted teeth, “He was my son.”
Reassessing the situation, Vera lowered her voice and softly placed her hand on her mother’s shoulder. “He still is your son, and she can help bring him back to you.”
“It won’t be the same. I went too far…” Nyx said loosening her grip slightly. “He will never come back.”
“You don’t know that,” Vera continued to plead with her.
Nyx looked to Vera, then to the others that sat behind her.
“If you kill her, you’ll lose the only chance you have to get him back. She IS your only chance,” Vera reminded her.
Nyx straightened her fingers and took a step away from me, her face blank giving no indication on what she was going to do or say next.
“Thank you,” I said looking to Vera as I rubbed my throat and tried not to make it look obvious I was struggling to breathe.
“Don’t thank me, Illiah. I have only prolonged my mother's revenge. Your death remains imminent,” she said returning to her seat.
I turned to her confused.
“That is of course if my brother lets you live long enough,” Vera answered before I had the chance to ask her what she meant.
Nyx held her hand up to silence her daughter. “Illiah Nyrana, what is it you seek here today?”
“I seek what The Queen took. My immortality and my ability to do magic,” I replied.
“What is it that you have to offer us in return?”
“I will retrieve the ring containing Thanatos’ powers and free him, and put an end to The Queen,” I replied as I had rehearsed.
“What makes you think he will help you end The Queen?” Enzo asked.
“If he wants his reign over the souls, he will have no choice,” I said.
Nyx ignored Enzo’s question. “That’s not enough.”
“What do you mean?”
“If I see to it that you’re once again granted immortality, and you are once again given the ability to use the magic of the Gods, there is one more thing you will have to do,” Nyx said, her eyes narrowing. “And you’ll owe me a favor.”
“And what is that?” I said, though part of me already knew the answer.
Nyx pulled a dagger from her waist. “You will run this through Illian’s heart, killing him.”
I looked down at the stake in her hand, reading the marks carved into the blade, and my hands began to tremble. “This won’t kill him. It will destroy his soul. He’ll be…” I started to say.
“He will be gone,” Nyx said emotionless. “From this realm. From every realm. Illian Nyrana will never again breathe my air.”
I didn’t know what to say, all my thoughts were jumbled together.
“Do you accept the terms, Illiah Nyrana?” Nyx asked before returning to her chair.
I stood still for another moment lost in my thoughts. “Yes,” I said as my heart sank. “I accept the terms.”
“Then it’s settled; before the moon reaches the top of the sky tomorrow, you are to rid the realms of your father, or our deal is off.”
“Tomorrow!” I gasped taken aback.
“Is there a problem?” Nyx questioned leaning forward in her seat.
“No,” I said swallowing back the emotions that were trying to escape.
Nyx nodded, and a stream of water swirled down from the ceiling to take me back through the well to The Grove.
“Come on, you got this, just breathe,” I heard my daughter Tamara whisper, waking me up.
Sitting, I looked around but saw nothing but darkness. “Tamara?” I whispered back.
A ball of fire appeared just a few feet from me, illuminating her face before she cast it into the brush she had gathered in the corner. “It’s about time you wake up.”
“Where are we?” I questioned.
“In a cave, in the Northern Hills I believe,” she answered as she warmed her fingers above the flames.
“The Northern Hills!” I roared jumping to my feet.
“Slow down,” Tamara said racing towards me.
“Where are your brothers?” I questioned, looking around.
“Cassian is still sleeping, I haven’t had a chance to go back for Finn yet,” Tamara replied.
“You left your brother?” I roared, astounded.
“He’s with the other Halflings on Dragon Island,” Tamara said. “He’s safer there.”
“The battle…” I asked confused, “Sno, Zavery? How many days has it been? How did we get here? What happened?”
“Why don’t you come sit by the fire,” Tamara said, placing her small hand on my arm. “You are chilled to the bone.”
“I do not need heat, I need answers,” I said, recognizing her stalling technique.
“Can’t we just enjoy the time we have together?” she questioned. “Why don’t you tell me about that time—”
“Tamara,” I said gently grabbing her hand, as I sat with her by the fire.
She sighed, looking away from me and into the flames. “Sno and Zavery are fine. They made it into the vault, and from what I hear they made it out as well.”
“What did they find in there? Is everything over?”
“Not exactly,” Tamara said reaching into the flames to pick something out.
“I don’t know all of the details, just some of them,” Tamara said holding the red gemstone ring Sno had given me in her hand.
“Then start at the beginning and tell me what you do know.”
“She won’t tell you the truth,” Cassian said from behind us.
I turned to look at him, as he sat down on the other side of me and warmed his hands.
“Stay out of this, Cassian,” Tamara warned.
“He’ll find out, Tamara,” her brother shot back. “Why not tell him and get it over with?”
“What will I find out?” I asked, turning my attention to my daughter.
“I don’t know how to,” she stuttered. “I don’t know where to start.”
“You can start with the fact that he died!” Cassian spat.
Tamara threw the ring at him in retaliation, causing him to hiss in pain as it melted the flesh on his hand when he caught it.
“Explain,” I said simply turning my body towards her.
“What is there to explain?” Tamara snarked, rising to her feet. “You died, and I did what I had to so that I could keep our family together.”
“What you did—” Cassian started to say before she turned silencing him.
“What manner of magic did you get yourself into?” I questioned, knowing the temptation of dark magic too well.
“I didn’t bring you back,” she replied taking offense.
“Listen, baby,” I said putting my large hands on her little shoulders. “Do you remember what you promised your mum? That no matter what happened, you’d never use dark magic.”
“I didn’t!” Tamara said, her body bursting into flames as she lost her temper.
“DON’T LIE!” Cassian yelled from behind me. “Tell him how you sold your soul to THE QUEEN! Tell him what you gave to bring him back!”
“That’s enough!” I heard Tamara shout before everything went dark.
I awoke yet again to darkness, the smoldering coals from the fire glowing red. Feeling my way around, I crawled over and started refueling the fire from the pile I had seen earlier.
“Cassian?” I called out into the abyss. “Cassian, are you still here?”
“Yeah,” Cassian replied his voice dry.
“What about you, Tamara?” I asked, hoping she didn’t answer.
“She’s not here, dad,” Cassian sai
d, his voice growing closer as he too made his way back to the fire.
“Where did she go?” I questioned.
“She’s one of THE QUEEN’s new sidekicks,” he said, fanning the embers so they’d grow into flames.
“And how did that happen?”
Cassian shook his head and leaned back against the wall. “She refused to accept the fact that you were gone,” he began to explain. “And when the Queen appeared out of thin air with the means to bring you back, she took it.”
“Tamara knows the cost of dark magic. How could she make a deal with the Queen, knowing the consequences are never as expected?”
“Well, that’s just it,” Cassian said, sitting up away from the wall. “It’s not exactly dark magic.”
“What do you mean?” I questioned him. “There is no other way.”
“From what I understand, the Queen has taken control over the Under Realm,” he began to explain.
“Impossible.” I gasped.
“Not exactly. Quint Ryker betrayed Illian, taking the pendant containing Thanatos’ powers, and because he himself isn’t strong enough to wield those powers, he gave them to the Queen in exchange for the power to destroy Illian.”
“So the Queen has Illian’s powers… Why is she worried about Sno and Zavery?” I questioned. “I mean, if you have unimaginable power, why dwindle in little battles?”
“Because she doesn’t have unimaginable power,” Cassian replied. “Not to doubt the power she does have, she’s spent the majority of her life engulfed in dark magic and has power matched by few…but she does not have true immortality, nor the strength of a Goddess.”
I nodded. “She’ll be after Illian then. That will be the only way she will figure out what she’s missing.”
“If she finds him, it’s all over,” Cassian said adding a few more twigs to the growing flames. “There will be no one that can stop her.”
“Well then,” I said. “How do we get out of here? We have to get word to Sno and Zavery. If they find Illian first, the Queen has no chance.”
“There is no way out of here,” Cassian said, picking up the gemstone ring his sister had thrown at him earlier and tossing it back to his father. “Tamara has enchanted this cave, it’s unending in both directions. The only way in or out is with her. So unless you have magic in your pocket, I’m afraid we are stuck here.”